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Read our latest reports below.

Corporate Governance

The Corporate Governance Committee has published several recommendations that all listed companies are encouraged to follow and report on according to the follow-or-explain principle.

The main topics that the companies must address are:

  • The communication and interaction with investors and other stakeholders
  • The duties and responsibilities of the Board of Directors
  • The composition, organisation, and evaluation of the Board of Directors
  • Remuneration of the management
  • Risk management


We report annually on compliance, following the recommendations of the Corporate Governance Committee.

Read more below.







In addition to the recommendations of the Corporate Governance Committee and the applicable legislation, Finans Denmark has drawn up a management code with recommendations for member companies. The purpose is to get banks, etc. to deal actively with the number of key management issues and to achieve greater transparency about the framework for the management of individual companies.

The management code must be applied according to the follow-or-explain principle.

Danish Ship Finance reports annually on compliance with the code.

Statement of the compliance with Finance Denmark code of management (in Danish)

Read more below.







In June 2022, the Danish FSA inspected Danish Ship Finance A/S (Danmarks Skibskredit A/S).

The purpose of the inspection was a review of the area of Danish covered bonds (SDOs), including the capital center structure, compliance with the balance principle, and the ongoing monitoring of the security framework.

The FSA reviewed the company’s relevant policies, business procedures, and reporting in the area of SDOs.

The report on inspection of Danish Ship Finance

In October 2020, the Danish FSA conducted an inspection at Danish Ship Finance A/S (Danmarks Skibskredit A/S). 

The inspection covered the credit area. In addition, the company’s relevant policies, business, procedures, and reporting were reviewed.

The inspection resulted in the issuance of one order by the Danish FSA.

Danish Ship Finance consistently uses the contractual residual maturity of exposures, whereas it should calculate the lifetime-PD in accordance with the Executive Order on Accounting. The company can only do this when its experience with comparable exposures makes it possible and acceptable. Danish Ship Finance has been ordered to rectify this.

The report on inspection of Danish Ship Finance 

In September 2018, the Danish FSA conducted an inspection at Danish Ship Finance A/S (Danmarks Skibskredit A/S). 

The inspection covered the areas of the company’s management, securities, funding and liquidity, IT, group matters, outsourcing, and operational risks.

The inspection resulted in the issuance of one order by the Danish FSA.

Danish Ship Finance was ordered by the FSA to assess the extent to which the credit spread risk should be covered in the determination of the internal capital adequacy requirement. Danish Ship Finance complied with the order and added DKK 365 million to the internal capital adequacy requirement on September 30, 2018.

The report on inspection of Danish Ship Finance

In September and October 2016, the Danish FSA conducted a credit review at Danish Ship Finance A/S (Danmarks Skibskredit A/S).

The FSA reviewed the company’s credit policy, business procedures, and reporting in the area. Moreover, the FSA reviewed 25 loan exposures in total. The FSA further reviewed the rules of procedure of the Board of Directors and the written guidelines of the Executive Board with a particular focus on the credit area.

The report on the inspection of the credit area

In June 2015, the Danish FSA conducted an inspection (functional examination) of Danish Ship Finance A/S (Danmarks Skibskredit A/S).

The inspection covered a range of selected areas, including the company’s organisation and management, credit area, securities trading and funding, audit, risk management function, compliance function, capital adequacy, solvency and liquidity statements as well as IT security.  

All other content of the statement has been noted.  

The report on inspection of Danish Ship Finance

Active Owners Denmark has prepared a set of guidelines for responsible ownership and corporate governance, in addition to the other guidelines. They relate to the company level and the capital fund level. The guidelines are available on the Active Owners Denmark’s website.

Equity funds and equity fund-owned companies must adhere to the guidelines according to the comply-or-explain principle. The guidelines also aim to increase the general level of information so that the general public has better opportunity to gain insight into the work of the mutual funds.

Compliance with Active Owners Denmark’s guidelines 

Read more below.







The Danish Financial Council recommends that a company’s code of conduct is published with a description of the company values and desired behaviour regarding operations and management.

Danish Ship Finance follows the recommendation and has prepared the following Code of Conduct (in Danish).

Remuneration report

Danish Ship Finance has defined a remuneration report.






Remuneration policies

Danish Ship Finance has defined a remuneration policy. The purpose is to determine the guidelines for Danish Ship Finance’s remuneration of:

  • The Board of Directors
  • The Management Board
  • Employees whose activities have a material impact on the company’s risk profile
  • Employees in special functions
  • Other staff

The remuneration policy is established to ensure that the company’s remuneration of management and employees, whose activities have a material impact on the company’s risk profile, does not lead to excessively risk-tolerant behaviour. In addition, the remuneration policy reflects that the interests of the shareholders and the company have been realigned with the company’s circumstances, and it seeks to create a balance between the assignments and the responsibility undertaken. Read the latest Remuneration Reports below.






2018 (in Danish)

2017 (in Danish)

Who are we
Danish Ship Finance provides ship financing to shipowners.

Contact information:
Danish Ship Finance A/S
Sankt Annæ Plads 3
1250 Copenhagen C
Phone: +45 33 33 93 33

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By signing up for one of the newsletters you give your permission to register name and e-mail address and use it to distribute the newsletter. Your consent can always be withdrawn by clicking “Unsubscribe”. All data will be deleted within 90 days.

Please find more information on our use of cookies in our cookie policy.

Personal data will never be passed on or sold, but they will be processed by our data processors. We have entered into data processing agreements.

Your rights
You have the rights granted by The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) including the rights to view the data, correction or deletion.

Complaints can be submitted to the Danish Data Protection Agency:

Danish Ship Finance is governed by the act on a ship finance institute. The act includes the legislative basis for the conversion in 2005. The company is also governed by the executive order on a ship finance institute.

According to the executive order on a ship finance institute the company, in its capacity of issuer of bonds on NASDAQ Copenhagen, is also subject to parts of the Executive Order on the Issuance of Bonds by Mortgage Credit Institutions, the Balance Principle, Interest Rate and Exchange Rate Risks.

Furthermore, the company is via the executive order on a ship finance institute subject to parts of the Danish Financial Business Act, which is the common set of rules governing banks, mortgage credit institutions and insurance companies, etc. in Denmark. The company is subject to the provisions of this Act with respect to good practice, ownership and management, capital structure of financial enterprises, annual report, audit and appropriation of profit for the year, intervention in or cessation of the financial enterprise and penalties.

Danish Ship Finance is exempt from the EU credit institution directives. In practice, this means that, unlike other Danish banks and mortgage credit institutions, the company is not subject to a limitation in respect of large customers. Instead, the company is under an obligation to determine rules on risk diversification, including risks associated with lending. The diversification rules are described in the annual report.

In addition to the rules stipulated by the authorities, the company is governed by the articles of association of Danish Ship Finance, which comply with the provisions of the Danish Companies Act. The company’s in-house activities are also governed by a set of policies that may be more restrictive than the external regulation. These policies have been adopted by the Board of Directors.

Articles of Association

Consolidation Act on  a Ship Finance Institute 

Executive Order on a Ship Finance Institute 

Executive Order on Bond Issuance (Danish)

Executive Order on Valuation (Danish)

Articles of association (Danish)

Shipping research


Effective from the financial statements for 2009, Danish Ship Finance must report on its initiatives pursuant to the Danish act on report on corporate social responsibility.









In November 2021, we reported our second Portfolio Climate Alignment Score as part of our commitment to the Poseidon Principles. Our reported climate alignment score was +5.7% for the in-scope portfolio. In comparison, the score was +5.6% in 2021. Due to ship owners’ reporting deadline to the IMO for the underlying data in 2022, the climate alignment score of the portfolio is based on the portfolio by the end of 2021.

Read our latest Poseidon Principles Annual Disclosures Reports here:

Poseidon Principles Annual Disclosure Report 2022

Poseidon Principles Annual Disclosure Report 2021

Poseidon Principles Annual Disclosure Report 2020

Read more about the Poseidon Principles and the Technical Guidance at

Investor Relations


Announcement no. 17 – Proceedings of the Extraordinary general meeting of Danish Ship Finance A/S (12th of July 2024)

Announcement no. 16 – Proceedings of the extraordinary general meeting of Danish Ship Finance A/S (11th July 2024)

Announcement no. 15 – Base Prospectus

Announcement no. 14 – Fixing of Coupon Rates

Announcement no. 13 – Notice of Extraordinary general Meeting of Danish Ship Finance A/S (12th of July 2024)

Announcement no. 12 – Notice of Extraordinary general Meeting of Danish Ship Finance A/S (11th of July 2024)

Announcement no. 11 – Danish Ship Finance Trading Update Q1 2024

Announcement no. 10 – Notice of Extraordinary General Meeting of Danish Ship Finance A/S (1st of July 2024)

Announcement no. 9 – Notice of Extraordinary General Meeting of Danish Ship Finance A/S (28th of June 2024)

Announcement no. 8 – New majority shareholder

Announcement no. 7 – Adequate own funds and internal capital adequacy requirement

Announcement no. 6 – Proceedings of annual general meeting

Announcement no. 5 – Notice of annual general meeting

Announcement no. 4 – Supplement to Base prospectus 

Announcement no. 3 – Adequate own funds and internal capital adequacy requirement

Announcement no. 2 – Annual Report 2023 Danish Ship Finance Holding A/S

Announcement no. 1 – Annual Report 2023 Danish Ship Finance A/S



Announcement no. 28 – Upwards revision of 2023 net profit guidance

Announcement no. 27 – Fixing of Coupon Rates

Announcement no. 26 – Financial calendar 2024

Announcement no. 25 – Upwards revision of 2023 net profit guidance

Announcement no. 24 – Adequate own funds and internal capital adequacy requirement

Announcement no. 23 – Final Terms

Announcement no. 22 – Final Terms

Announcement no. 21 – Final Terms

Announcement no. 20 – Results of the Invitations

Announcement no. 19 – Expiration Time Announcement

Announcement no. 18 – New bond issue offering and invitation to submit offers to sell bonds

Announcement no. 17 – Supplement to Base prospectus

Announcement no. 16 – Adequate own funds and internal capital adequacy requirement

Announcement no. 15 – Interim report Danish Ship Finance Holding A/S

Announcement no. 14 – Interim report Danish Ship Finance A/S

Announcement no. 13 – Change in the Executive Management Board 

Announcement no. 12 – Base Prospectus

Announcement no. 11 – Final Terms

Announcement no. 10 – Fixing of Coupon Rates 

Announcement no. 9 – Adequate own funds and internal capital adequacy requirement

Announcement no. 8 – Proceedings of annual general meeting

Announcement no. 7 – Notice of annual general meeting

Announcement no. 6 – Supplement to Base prospectus 

Announcement no. 5 – Adequate own funds and internal capital adequacy requirement

Announcement no. 4 – Annual Report 2022 Danish Ship Finance Holding A/S

Announcement no. 3 – Annual Report 2022 Danish Ship Finance A/S

Announcement no. 2 – Final Terms

Announcement no. 1 – Final Terms



Announcement no. 19 – Fixing of Coupon Rates

Announcement no. 18 – Financial Calender 2023

Announcement no. 17 – Upwards revision of 2022 net profit guidance

Announcement no. 16 – Adeguate own funds and internal capital adequacy requirement

Announcement no. 15 – Supplement to Base Prospectus 

Announcement no. 14 – Adequate own funds and internal capital adequacy requirement

Announcement no. 13 – Interim report Danish Ship Finance Holding A/S

Announcement no. 12 – Interim report Danish Ship Finance A/S

Announcement no. 11 – Base Prospectus 

Announcement no. 10 – Fixing of Coupon Rates 

Announcement no. 9 – Termination of Invitations

Announcement no. 8 – New bond issue offering and invitation to submit offers to sell bonds 

Announcement no. 7 – Adequate own funds and internal capital adequacy requirement 

Announcement no. 6 – Proceeding of annual general meeting

Announcement no. 5 – Notice of annual general meeting 

Announcement no. 4 – Supplement to Base Prospectus 

Announcement no. 3 – Annual Report 2021 Danish Ship Finance Holding A/S

Announcement no. 2 – Adequate own funds and internal capital adequacy requirement

Announcement no. 1 – Annual Report 2021 Danish Ship Finance A/S



Announcement no. 20 – Fixing of Coupon Rates

Announcement no. 19 – Financial Calendar 2022

Announcement no. 18 – Solvency ratio

Announcement no. 17 – Final Terms 

Announcement no. 16 – Results of the Invitations

Announcement no. 15 – New bond issue offering and invitation for submit offers to sell bonds

Announcement no. 14 – Supplement to Base Prospectus

Announcement no. 13 – Solvency ratio 

Announcement no. 12 – Interim report 

Announcement no. 11 – Base Prospectus

Announcement no. 10 – Fixing of coupon rates

Announcement no. 9 – Solvency ratio

Announcement no. 8 – Proceeding of annual general meeting

Announcement no. 7 – Final Terms

Announcement no. 6 – Final Terms

Announcement no. 5 – Notice of annual general meeting

Announcement no. 4 – Supplement to Base Prospectus

Announcement no. 3 – Solvency ratio

Announcement no. 2 – Annual Report 2020

Announcement no. 1 – Financial Calendar



Announcement no. 17 – Fixing of coupon rate

Announcement no. 16 – Solvency ratio

Announcement no. 15 – Fixing of coupon rate

Announcement no. 14 – Solvency ratio

Announcement no. 13 – Interim Report

Announcement no. 12 – Base Prospectus

Announcement no. 11 – Fixing of coupon rate

Announcement no. 10 – Solvency ratio

Announcement no. 9 – Final Terms

Announcement no. 8 – Fixing of coupon rate

Announcement no. 7 – Proceeding of annual general meeting

Announcement no. 6 – Notice of annual general meeting

Announcement no. 5 – Supplement to Base Prospectus

Announcement no. 4 – Solvency ratio

Announcement no. 3 – Annual Report 2019

Announcement no. 2 – Final Terms

Announcement no. 1 – Financial Calendar



Announcement no. 18 – Fixing of coupon rate

Announcement no. 17 – Final Terms

Announcement no. 16 – Solvency ratio

Announcement no. 15 – Supplement to Base Prospectus

Announcement no. 14 – Fixing of coupon rate

Announcement no. 13 – Interim Report

Announcement no. 12 – Rating information

Announcement no. 11 – Fixing of coupon rate

Announcement no. 10 – Fixing of coupon rate

Announcement no. 9 – Solvency ratio

Announcement no. 8 – Solvency ratio

Announcement no. 7 – Fixing of coupon rate

Announcement no. 6 – Final Terms

Announcement no. 5 – Proceedings of the general meeting

Announcement no. 3 – Base Prospectus

Announcement no. 2 – Annual report

Announcement no. 1 – Financial Calendar



Announcement no. 18 – Fixing of coupon rate

Announcement no. 17 – Fixing of coupon rate

Announcement no. 16 – Fixing of coupon rate

Announcement no. 15 – solvency ratio

Announcement no. 13 – Interim Report

Announcement no. 12 – Final terms

Announcement no. 9 – Final terms

Announcement no. 8 – Addendum no. 2

Announcement no. 7 – Solvency ratio

Announcement no. 6 – Proceedings of the general meeting

Announcement no. 5 – Change of management

Announcement no. 2 – Addendum no. 1

Announcement no. 1 – Annual report 2017



Announcement no. 18 – Change of management

Announcement no. 16 – Final terms

Announcement no. 15 – Solvency need ratio

Announcement no. 14 – Base Prospectus

Announcement no. 12 – Interim report

Announcement no. 9 – Proceedings at the extraordinary general meeting 16 June 2017

Announcement no. 6 – Solvency need and solvency ratio

Announcement no. 5 – Proceedings at the general meeting

Announcement no. 1 – Annual report 2016



Announcement no. 26 – Proceedings at the extraordinary general meeting

Announcement no. 23 – Distribution of extraordinary dividends to the A-shareholders

Announcement no. 21 – Completion of share transfer

Announcement no. 20 – Proceedings at the extraordinary general meeting

Announcement no. 19 – Solvency need ratio

Announcement no. 18 – Regulatory approvals for share transfer

Announcement no. 16 – Rating information

Announcement no. 15 – Company announcement

Announcement no. 14 – Interim Report 2016

Announcement no. 11 – Solvency need

Announcement no. 10 – Proceedings at the general meeting

Announcement no. 7 – Annual Report 2015

Announcement no. 5 – DSF terminates rating agreement with Moody’s

Announcement no. 3 – Rating information

Announcement no. 2 – Income statement



Announcement no. 19 – Solvency need ratio

Announcement no. 18 – Rating affirmed

Announcement no. 17 – Interim report 2015

Announcement no. 13 – Media coverage of Shareholder structure in Danmarks Skibskredit A/S

Announcement no. 11 – Solvency need ratio

Announcement no. 10 – Management change

Announcement no. 9 – Proceedings at the general meeting

Announcement no. 5 – Annual report 2014



Announcement no. 13 – Change of rating outlook

Announcement no. 11 – Solvency need ratio

Announcement no. 10 – Interim report 2014

Announcement no. 7 – Solvency need ratio

Announcement no. 6 – Management change

Announcement no. 5 – Proceedings at the annual general meeting

Announcement no. 2 – Risk report 2013

Announcement no. 1 – Annual report 2013



Announcement no. 14 – Interim report first half year 2013 (correction to interim report)

Announcement no. 13 – Interim report first half year 2013

Announcement no. 2 – Risk Report 2012

Announcement no. 1 – Annual Report 2012



Announcement no. 32 – Repayment of hybrid core capital

Announcement no. 25 – Interim report, First Half Year 2012

Announcement no. 15 – Change of Rating

Announcement no. 12 – Interim announcement first quarter 2012

Standard & Poor’s performs an ongoing credit assessment of Danish Ship Finance and has assigned the following ratings:

Bond rating
Issuer rating


Pursuant to Danish legislation, covered bonds and ship mortgage bonds offered by Danish Ship Finance must be described in a published prospectus, which must be prepared in accordance with EU Commission Regulation (EU) 2017/1129 and related to delegated acts for the purpose of providing information about the issued bonds. The rules on prospectuses came into force on July 1, 2017. Danish Ship Finance’s prospectus for covered bonds and ship mortgage bonds has been prepared as a base prospectus including final terms and conditions. The general terms and conditions for the bonds, a description of the bonds and of Danish Ship Finance are provided in the base prospectus. The specific terms and conditions for the individual bonds are set out in the final terms and conditions.

Base Prospectus for Danmarks Skibskredit A/S Bond Programme can be read below.